Studying at the College
Every aspect of school life is influenced by Catholic values, helping our students strive for excellence and enrich their communities long after they leave the classroom.

Years 7 and 8 are times of dramatic change for students, both physically and psychologically. The College recognises and caters for the changing needs of students: independence, male and female role models, exploration and testing of values and development of self discipline.

Students are introduced to the complexities of secondary education - a wider range of subjects, timetabling, specialised staff and "department areas".

Complementing the College's academic system is the students' pastoral care with each student being allocated to a House. Pastoral Care teachers come to know the interests and capabilities of their students and hold regular House and daily Pastoral Care meetings.
Years 10, 11 and 12 are the vital years leading to the transition to either tertiary education or employment. The College offers a full range of academic subjects, including Music and Drama, Italian, Information Technology, Physical Education and Photography.

Sport is a compulsory component of the Year 7 to 10 curriculum. All students participate in Thursday afternoon recreation or competitive sport programs. Once the HSC year begins, other subjects or activities may be arranged during the sport afternoon for Year 12 students.